


 当研究所 中村栄三の講演を鳥取県知事のユーモアあふれるトークとともにご覧いただけます.

 小惑星リュウグウ試料の初期分析の結果とともに,小惑星探査機「はやぶさ2」がサンプルを持ち帰ることの意義を解説します. そして,小惑星リュウグウの形成メカニズムを通して,私たち人類の起源となる有機物の由来を解明し,宇宙進出へつなげていく取組みを紹介いたします. 普段メディアでは見ることのできない,宇宙科学のリアルな最先端を体感することができます.



We have released a video of a part of talk event held at Space Science World "Hoshitori Prefecture".

 We have archived a valuable talk session that was delivered live on July 4, 2021 on the YouTube Okayama University channel.

 You can see the lecture by Eizo Nakamura of our institute with a humorous talk by the Governor of Tottori Prefecture.

 He will explain significance of sample return by "Hayabusa 2" with results of initial analysis of the asteroid Ryugu sample. Then, through formation mechanism of the asteroid Ryugu, he will elucidate origin of organic matter, which is origin of humankind, and introduce efforts to lead to advance into space.

 You can experience the real cutting edge of space science, which you cannot usually see in the media.

 If you watch all of the videos, you will realize that the starry sky you look up at is not far away.
