New Multi-functional automated organic sample preparation system (MAOSPS) has been installed at PML!


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A new automated system for the automatic preparation of organic samples has been installed. The system is called the Multi-functional automated organic sample preparation system (MAOSPS). The system consists of a long rail with a robotic arm attached, which can use various tools to perform a multitude of sample preparation steps automatically, including: weighing, diluting, removing solvent, heating, agitating, vortexing, centrifuging, cooling and reducing solvent with nitrogen gas. The system can use either metal syringes or pipettes of different volumes to prepare samples and is controlled from a PC.

Furthermore, the PC can be accessed remotely to enable domestic or international users to prepare their samples from afar. Finally, the system is able to directly inject samples into the ultra-high performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC) unit, which is attached to the orbitrap mass spectrometer (OT-MS). The system will form an integral part of CASTEM 24, aiding the collaboration with outside users and the research interests of current IPM members.