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 地球惑星科学の最大の醍醐味は、宇宙創成以来138億年の時空をイメージした事象の解析にあります。例えば私たちが隕石を用いた研究を進める場合、多くの場合は10-1~10-2m程度の隕石を用いて、微細な構造(10-2~10-9m)に着目した解析を行います。その際、太陽系の大きさ(約1013m)や隕石の母天体(103~105m)といった非常に大きなスケールを意識した考察が非常に大切です。そのためには、微細な組織構造に伴う地球化学的指標の特徴を精密かつ総合的に記載し、物理化学的な境界条件とスケーリングを意識したモデリングを行うことが必要となります。そのためPMLでは、異なる機器間で分析座標と画像データを共有化するVisual Stage Systemを基盤とし、光学顕微鏡、走査電子顕微鏡、EPMA、2次イオン質量分析計を連携させることで、同一試料に対して光、電子線、イオンビームといった異なる特徴を持ったプローブを用いて微細組織の観察・分析を行っています。さらに近年では、この解析結果に加え、顕微FTIR、顕微ラマン分光、そして2次元有機分子解析システム(DESI+Orbitrap mass spectroscopy)を適用する試みを進めており、太陽系小惑星進化プロセスの新しいモデルの提案や、隕石中の有機物進化プロセスのモデル化を行うなど成果を上げています。


Forest image


 また冒頭に述べた地球惑星科学の醍醐味を味わうためには、常に微細な組織に埋め込まれた物質科学的情報が、マクロな時空間を対象とした事象においてどういう意味を持つのかという視点を養うことが本質的に重要です。すなわち、“Can’t see the wood for the trees”(木を見て森を見ず)ということに陥らない、全岩分析や地質学的情報などのマクロな情報との関連性を意識した「葉を見て森を知る局所分析」が我々の特徴と言えるでしょう。

English | 日本語

We see the wood from a tree


The greatest thrill of earth and planetary science lies within the analyses of events that culminate into imaging time and space from 13.8 billion years ago, when the universe was created. For instance, in the case of carrying out meteorite research, most of the time, meteorites with the size of 10-1-10-2m, are used in order to perform detailed analyses on their microstructures (10-2 -10-9m). Regarding the small amounts of the analysed meteorites, great consideration should be taken regarding the large scale of the parent body of the meteorite (103 to 105m) and the size of the Solar System (about 1013m). For this purpose, it is necessary to precisely and comprehensively record the characteristics of the geochemical index regarding minute textural structure, and perform modelling while being aware of scaling and physicochemical boundary conditions. For the record of such characteristics, PML is based on the Visual Stage System which shares image data and analysis coordinates between different instruments, linking the optical microscope, scanning electron microscope, EPMA and SIMS to the same sample. Microstructures are observed and analysed on the same sample by using probes with various features such as light, electron or ion beam. Furthermore, in the recent years, in addition to analysis results, we have been progressing into the attempts of applying micro FTIR, Raman spectroscopy and 2D organic molecular analysis system (DESI and Orbitrap mass spectroscopy) for the proposal of a new model relating to the evolution process of asteroids from the Solar System. Moreover, results relating to modelling of the evolution processes of organic matter residing within meteorites have been developed.

While conducting such analyses, it is of great importance to understand the particular characteristics of each part of the analytical instruments used, choose the appropriate instrument for the academic objective, and sometimes examine the analysis sequence (protocol). For instance, in the case of non-conductive samples, such as rocks, in order to protect against sample overcharging during electron beam or ion beam analysis, the sample is usually coated with a conductive material (carbon, gold etc.). However, artificial coatings can influence analyses, failing to obtain data which was originally possible to obtain, or producing erroneous results. Therefore, it is necessary to develop an elaborate experimental protocol which may include observations and analyses influenced by the coating process. This is similar to the effects of the sample damage caused by analyses.

Forest image

These analytical techniques can be used when only small amounts of specimen are available, for example, in the case of particulates brought from the asteroid Itokawa, and, of course, concerning the return specimen from the space probe “Hayabusa 2”, the comprehensive analysis is a very important step. Thus, it is important for the foundation of an analytical study to develop new analytical techniques and protocols, create standard samples for calibration of results and maintain the instrument condition every day.

Moreover, in order to enjoy the real thrill of earth and planetary science mentioned in the beginning, it is essential to possess an opinion about the significance regarding the meaning of the material science information embedded in detailed structures regarding macro time and space as a target phenomenon. In other words, being aware of the relevance of macro information such as whole rock analysis and microscopic information such as in-situ analysis is important in our discipline. Our motto is to be against “Can’t see the wood from the trees”.